Website Accessibility 

We’ve worked hard to ensure our website provides an easy to use and accessible experience for all of our web users. 

Accessibility Audit Score - 96/100

Using Google’s industry-leading Lighthouse tool, our website is optimised to a score of 96/100 for accessibility. These optimisations are to aid the partially sighted user; including colour contrast, good compatibility with screen readers and semantic & accessible HTML markup. We seek to continually improve this, and welcome feedback from our website users.


Useful Tools


High Colour Contrast

Our website has high contrast colour ratios for the majority of the user experience. To enhance this further we recommend the following:

  • Using a desktop, Google Chrome browser offers good High Contrast and other accessibility features:
  • Apple iPhone and iPad and Android devices: enable High Contrast or Colour Invert via the settings menu: Settings -> Accessibility

Screen Readers

For the latest advice on screen readers plus other disability aids for web browsing, please visit for well organised, comprehensive advice.


Please Contact Us For Further Support

If there is website content you can’t access for any reason or if you have further questions, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help. Visit our contact page here.