Our Book of the Year

Our book choice for this year is being shared by 2 titles as we loved them both! We are therefore pleased to introduce The Wonkey Donkey by Craig Smith and Katz Cowley and Marli's Tangled Tale by Ellie Jackson and Laura Callwood. Two very different stories but both worthy of recognition and a great chance to create a couple of new farm trails for everyone to enjoy this year.

The Wonkey Donkey is simply fabulous for childrens language development using rhyming adjectives to describe a donkey with disabilities. Our own donkey Costello (who has half an ear missing!) thoroughly approved of the choice :)  and we will be coming up with some fun 'donkey'themed activities this year to support it.

Marli's Tangled Tale is an environmental story about plastic pollution in our world. We particularly loved this as its such an important subject and the main character reminded us of all the local puffins that can be found on Lundy Island. We hope all our visiting farmers enjoy it...please feel free to come to reception to borrow both these books and dont forget to collect the activity trails/games that support them both.

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