Bottle Feeding Lambs at North Hayne Farm

Spring is well underway here on the farm. The lambing season is in full swing for our local farmers and as ever we lend a helping hand by having
several orphaned lambs that need just that little bit of extra care and attention until they are strong enough to go back to the fields.

We always give the lambs names based on a theme, this year we went with a cheesy theme so we went to our local cheese shop `The Cheese Larder` in South Molton and settled on the following:-  Monty (Montognolo), Delice (Delice de Bourgogne), Brie and Crackers.

Whilst we are still waiting for the arrival of Crackers we have three very healthy and happy lambs who are being fed each day by those staying at the farm.

Bottle feeding Monty Bottle feeding Brie Bottle feeding Delice


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